Kupitia ukurasa wake wa facebook Mondi ameweka picha za mjengo huo huku akiandika maneno yanayoonyesha furaha yake juu ya maisha yao ndani ya mjengo huo nchini Afrika ya kusini.
Hichi ndicho alichoandika Simba "They are busy bragging them selves that they are Rich while their Kids staying in the Renting House... and today a person they are daily abuse and saying that he's broke Bought a House, so that their Kids can have a better life as their dad always wish on Social Media..... Happy Birthday Mama tee i hope you like our new South African House....Can't wait for your Big weekend in Zanzibar tomorrow....I love you So much mama tee, we ndio Salome wa Moyo wangu pekee @zarithebosslady 😙
(Wanakazana kujisifu Matajiri Ilhali watoto zao wanaishi kwenye Nyumba
zakupanga... halaf leo yuleyule wanaemtukana kutwa kwenye Mitandao kuwa
Masikini, kajawa na shida, Kanunua nyumba kulekule kwao ili watoto wao
waishi Maisha bora kama wanayoyatamani... Heri ya siku ya Kuzaliwa Mama
tee wangu.... Nakupenda sana na unalifahamu hilo...natumai umeipenda
Nyumba yetu hii mpya South Africa... nasubiria kwa hamu kusheherekea
nawe siku yako hii kubwa kesho zanzibar"

Hichi ndicho alichoandika Simba "They are busy bragging them selves that they are Rich while their Kids staying in the Renting House... and today a person they are daily abuse and saying that he's broke Bought a House, so that their Kids can have a better life as their dad always wish on Social Media..... Happy Birthday Mama tee i hope you like our new South African House....Can't wait for your Big weekend in Zanzibar tomorrow....I love you So much mama tee, we ndio Salome wa Moyo wangu pekee @zarithebosslady 😙